ITC International, Olivová 4, Praha 1 110 00, Czech Republic +420 603 333 953 ITC International, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580, Praha 6 160 00, Czech Republic

ITC International
Training institute for in-service teachers established by the Czech Ministry of Education

ITC is adult education institution for in-service teacher training, established by the Czech Ministry of Education and listed in the school registry.

ITC is active on the adult education market from 1996, and has a seventeen years long experience in the education field with specialization on the innovative teaching methods for teachers and education specialist from whole EU.

ITC is a modern and dynamic company with a long tradition and professional organizational background. The mission of ITC is to provide good quality language education together with other courses in various fields. Our main goal is to provide complex services on a professional level ensuring our clients’ satisfaction.

Address and Contact

ITC International
Olivová 4
Praha 1
110 00
Czech Republic

Tel: +420 603 333 953
IČ: 25614916
DIČ: CZ 25614916
PIC: 949364512
Organization ID: E10088318


Our Team

Iva Brožová
School Director

David Brož
General Manager

Lukáš Vacek
Head Administrator

Smriti Vasistha
Academic Director