ITC International, Olivová 4, Praha 1 110 00, Czech Republic +420 603 333 953 ITC International, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580, Praha 6 160 00, Czech Republic

What teachers will learn in this webinar

This course introduces teachers to the basics of working in Google Classroom. Participants will learn basic functions such as sharing study materials in different formats with the classroom, assigning tasks of different kinds and evaluating them. They will learn how to create a new classroom in Google Classroom, how to invite pupils, and how to work with the platform. Teachers will also learn about other options and applications that are linked to Classroom. Last but not least, they will learn about the possibilities and limitations of online learning in discussions and sharing experiences.

What teachers will learn in this webinar

In this webinar, teachers will learn about the different applications that can be used in online learning. They will have the opportunity to try working with specific tools and find out what is practical for their teaching.

What teachers will learn in this webinar

This course introduces teachers to the specifics of online learning and how to lead younger pupils. Teachers will learn the limitations and opportunities that such teaching presents, how to design it and bring it closer to lower-grade pupils, what are the differences between classroom instruction and how to work with them, even in collaboration with parents. In particular, teachers will learn about methods to keep pupils' attention, which can quickly fall in the online environment, what is appropriate for video call learning, and when it is better to opt for other methods. Last but not least, they will learn how to work with teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil interaction in an online environment or what are the basic technical options and tips across different platforms and media.