ITC International, Olivová 4, Praha 1 110 00, Czech Republic +420 603 333 953 ITC International, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580, Praha 6 160 00, Czech Republic

What teachers will learn in this webinar

This course introduces teachers to the specifics of online learning and how to lead younger pupils. Teachers will learn the limitations and opportunities that such teaching presents, how to design it and bring it closer to lower-grade pupils, what are the differences between classroom instruction and how to work with them, even in collaboration with parents. In particular, teachers will learn about methods to keep pupils' attention, which can quickly fall in the online environment, what is appropriate for video call learning, and when it is better to opt for other methods. Last but not least, they will learn how to work with teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil interaction in an online environment or what are the basic technical options and tips across different platforms and media.


  • Online learning and the basics of its organization, different options and types of platforms, different methods of online learning
  • Opportunities and limitations of online learning and how to work with them
  • Video-based learning, classroom basics in an online environment, how to keep pupils' attention using online message boards to organize teaching
  • Cooperation with parents and their role in distance learning
  • Interaction in online environment, discussion, group work, preparation
  • Overview of platforms and tips for working with first grade pupils

Educational Goal

This course will be conducted in an interactive form, teachers will try working in an online environment and become familiar with specific tools, including discussions and sharing experiences and ideas. A video record from the webinar will be available to you after the course.


Form: Online
Duration: 3 hours
Target group: primary school teachers, secondary school, secondary school, school heads
Price: 350 EUR for a group of up to 30 people
The technical requirements: none


If you are interested or have any questions, we are at your disposal at:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone Number: +420 603 333 953