ITC International, Olivová 4, Praha 1 110 00, Czech Republic +420 603 333 953 ITC International, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580, Praha 6 160 00, Czech Republic
Erasmus + 2020-2022 Project number: KA202-6D87DCA3
Project Title: Digital Tools for Learning and Validation in VET and WBL: Training Program for VET Teachers, Trainers and Mentors
Project Description: 
The objectives of Dig4VET project are to improve skills and competences of VET teachers, trainers, mentors for use of digital tools in education process, for both: classroom and distance learning, to raise awareness of variety of digital tools and technologies that can be used in Vocatational Education (VET) school and Work Based Learning (WBL) settings.
DIG4VET project proposes empowering VET teachers, trainers and mentors/WBL tutors with the support of a training program for VET teachers, trainers and mentors which can be implemented by VET institutions (local level), by national CPD systems and internationally as Erasmus+ courses.
DIG4VET project is developing the following outputs:
1) Needs analysis and review report “Digital Competences of VET Teachers, Trainers, Mentors” which will include a review of existing practices of using digital tools in VET, results of
SELFIE reviews in partner countries, review on VET distance/digital learning during virus outbreak in spring 2020, overview of digital tools available for use in Vet and WBL teaching
and learning;
2) Training program “Attractive, Interactive and Inclusive VET: Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Validation” aimed at both VET school and WBL settings, taking
into account the European Framework on Digital Competences of Educators and covering the education process stages: preparation - teaching/learning – assessment – validation.
3) Open education resources (OER) including video lessons for use of some digital tools and examples provided by training participants for use of digital tools in VET and WBL
contexts in specific VET fields/subjects.